creativity and cognition title

creativity and cognition venn diagram


Keynote Speakers

Marvin Minsky
MIT Media Laboratory
Cambridge MA, USA

Harold Cohen
Senior Research Professor
The Center for Research in Computing and the Arts
University of California, San Diego

Ben Shneiderman
Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
Department of Computer Science and Institute for Systems Research
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA



Do Engineers and Artists Make Good Love Objects?

Terryl Bacon, University of The West of England-Bristol, UK

Glenn Easy, University of The West of England-Bristol, UK

Constance Fleuriot, University of The West of England-Bristol, UK

Priscilla Heard, University of The West of England-Bristol, UK

Martin Rieser, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK.

Nurturing Creativity

Nigel Birch, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK


James Plummer, Managing Director, Prospect

Geraint Wiggins, University of Edinburgh

Robin Lyons, Siriol Productions

Bronac Ferran, Arts Council of England, UK

Individual and/versus Social Creativity

Ernest Edmonds, Loughborough University, UK

Linda Candy, Loughborough University UK

Geoff Cox, University of Plymouth UK

Jacob Eisenstein, Stanford University USA

Gerhard Fischer, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

Bob Hughes, Bristol UK

Tom Hewett, Drexel University, USA

Full Papers

Supporting Creative Work Tasks: The Potential of Multi-Modal Tools to Support Sketching
Jana Sedivy and Hilary Johnson, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, UK

Integrating Craft Materials and Computation
Glenn Blauvelt,Tom Wrensch, Michael Eisenberg, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

Who or What is Making the Music: Music Creation in a Machine Age
Tang-Chun Li, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

The Split-Brain Human Computer User Interface
Gregory P Garvey, Quinnipac University, Hamden, USA.

Composition Analyzer: Computer Supported Composition Analysis of Master Pieces
Shoji Tanaka, Jun Kurumizawa, Andre Plante, Yuichi Iwadate, Seiji Inokuchi, ATR, Kyoto, Japan.

Exploring Novel Ways of Interaction in Musical Performance
Bert Bongers, Centre Visual Art, Amsterdam, NL

Preliminary Observations about Music and Decentralised Environments
Dante Tanzi, Laboratory of Musical Informatics, Computer Science Department,
Milan University, Italy.

The New Metaphysics and the Deep Structure of Creativity and Cognition
Michael King, London Guildhall University, UK.

Skunk Works: "Speciation" Strategies for Creativity
Vittorio Mischi, Laboratory for Digital Renaissance, Geneva, Switzerland

A Proposal for a Framework for General Multimedia Art Creation Instruments
Kazushi Nishimoto and Kenji Mase, JAIST and ATR, Japan

Symmetry of Ignorance, Social Creativity, and Meta-Design
Gerhard Fischer, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA.

Ontology, Aesthetics and Creativity at the Crossroads in Information System Design
Alberto Faro and Daniela Giordano, University of Catania, Italy

What Would Cezanne Think?
Carol Strohecker, MERL, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Emotion Recognition and Its Application to Computer Agents with Spontaneous Interactive Capabilities
Ryohei Nakatsu, Joy Nicholson and Naoko Tosa, ATR, Kyoto, Japan

Composing Interactive Virtual Operas
Alain Bonardi and Frances Rousseaux, University Paris Sorbonne, France

Artistic Environments of Telepresence in the World Wide Web
Luisa Paraguai Donati and Gilbertto Prado, Institute of Arts, Unicamp, São Paulo, Brazil.

A CONCEIT  A Collaborative Mapping in 3 Spaces
John Lycette, Greg O‚Connor, Darren Tofts, Peter Webb, Christopher Waller, RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) Victoria, Australia.

Creativity in Design Activities: The role of analogies in a constrained cognitive environment
Nathalie Bonnardel, University of Provence, France.

A Framework that Supports Collective Creativity in Design  using Visual Images
Kumiyo Nakakoji, Yasuhiro Yamamoto and Masao Ohiro, NAIST, Japan

'Fake' and 'Real' Creativity Using Computer Aided Design: Some Lessons from Herman Hertsberger
Bryan Lawson, University of Sheffield, UK

Short Papers

Modelling Creative Design through Conversation Analysis
Ricardo Sosa, School of Computing, National University of Singapore

How do Material Constraints affect Design Creativity?
Hisataka Noguchi, Chiba University, Japan

Generation of Passion Spaces from Tanka Poems
Tsutomu Miyasato, ATR, Kyoto, Japan

Early Engagements of Creative Writers with Online Media
Sue Thomas, trAce Online Writing Community, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Revolution in Art: Network Painting Machine
Jean-Paul Longavesne, Ecole nationale superieure des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France

The Turing Test is Dead....
Jonathan Bedworth and James Norwood, CAiiA STAR, UK

Drawing as a Function of Movement
Michael Quantrill, Loughborough University, UK

Wolfgang: "Emotions' plus Goals enable Learning
Doug Riecken, IBM Watson Research and Rutgers University, USA

Thwarting the Web Users' Expectations
Helia Vannucchi de Almeida Santos, Institute of Arts, Sao Paulo, Brazil


October 10-13, 1999
Loughborough UK



An ACM SIGCHI International Conference