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Loughborough University & Loughborough College of Art & Design
Loughborough, England
Chair: Prof. E.A.Edmonds
Theme 1:Understanding and Modelling Creativity
Creativity as Commonplace
Richard Coyne
University of Edinburgh
Malevich said; 'Art is Cognition'
Patricia Railing
Artists. Book Works, Sussex
Creativity as Transformation : Multi-Agent Systems and Human Cognition
Oliver Hoffman and Martin Kollingbaum
Vienna University of Technology
Creativity in Design: Not Leaping but Bridging
Nigel Cross
The Open University, UK
Objects in Transition: A Spatial Paradigm for Creative Design
William Godwin, Päivi Mäkirinne-Crofts and Sohrab Saadat
Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education
Understanding Creativity : An Empirical Approach
Linda Candy
Loughborough University
Theme 2:Computer Support for Creativity
Supporting the Creative User:
A Criteria-based Approach to Interaction Design
Ernest Edmonds and Linda Candy
Loughborough University
Puppeteers and Directors: Supporting Artistic Design by
Combining Direct-Manipulation and Delegation
James Ambach and Alexander Repenning
University of Colorado
Abduction Machine Project : Designing Creative Environments based on Network
Akihiro Kubota
University of Tokyo
Supporting the Creative Process of Human Figure Animation
Armin Bruderlin
ATR Media Integration & Communication Research Labs, Kyoto
A System for Supporting Researchers' Creativity by
Visualising Different Viewpoints
Masanori Sugimoto, Koichi Hori and Setsuo Ohsuga
National Centre for Science Information Systems, Tokyo
Computers, Words and Pictures
Bryan Lawson and Shee Ming Loke
University of Sheffield
Theme 3:Computer-Based Creativity
Towards Creative AI Systems :
A Psychology-Based Approach
Klaus Schmid
German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Innocence: Interactions between the
Study of Children's Drawing and Artificial Intelligence
Ed Burton
Middlesex University
The Grandmother Program:
A Hybrid System for Automated Story Generation
Imogen Casebourne
University of Sussex
Effectively Heterogeneous Information Extraction to
Stimulate Divergent Thinking
Kazushi Nishimoto, Shinji Abe and Kenji Mase
ATR Media Integration & Communication Research Labs, Kyoto
Theme 4:Perspectives on Creativity, Culture and Technology
Networks of the Mind: Art and the Emergent Noetic Culture
Roy Ascott
University of Wales College, Newport
Making Sense of the World: Temporal and Spatial Perception and the Function
of Art
Jeremy Leach
Bath University
On Architectural Design in Virtual Environments
Alan Bridges and Dimitrios Charitos
University of Strathclyde
Visual Interaction as Art
Peter Thomas
University of the West of England
Creativity and Sensation: The Case for Synaesthetic Media
John A. Waterworth
Umeå University
Design as Connection between Thinking and Acting:
An Artist's View
Fré Ilgen
PRO Foundation, NL
Viewpoint, Generation, Transportation and Composition
Heiner Benking
FAW : Research Centre for Applied Knowledge Processing, University of Ulm,
Computer Assisted Works: Working Process
Mike North
Loughborough College of Art and Design
The Role of Error in Creativity: An Example from Music
James L. Alty
Loughborough University
Towards a Virtual Reality Aesthetic Programming Interface
Stephen Bell
Bournemouth University
A Programme of Computer-Assisted Learning in Art and Design
David Eaton
Central College Glasgow
Universal Creative Sound Technology:
Stockhausen's Telemusik and Hymnen
Niall O'Loughlin
Loughborough College of Art and Design
Creativity in Writing
Rafael Pérez Y Pérez
University of Sussex
A Study for Modelling Creativity and Discovery in Intelligent Agents inspired
by the Human Unconscious
Fernando Ramos and Enriqué D. Espinosa
Technological Institute of Higher Education, Monterrey, Mexico
Intersections'95: A Poetic Intersection of Art and Science
Eileen Slarke
University of New South Wales
Clio: A Constraint-Based Interface for Creative Domains
Eric W. Tatham
Coventry University
Looking at the Ceiling
Sarah Thompson
Artist, Bournemouth
CAMER Research and Young Farmers Claim Future:
Some Digital Issues
Guy c. Jules Van Belle
University of Ghent
Perception of Attractions and Cognitive Dissonance
Igor Yevin and Svetlana Apjonova
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Moscow
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